Is ogre engine still updated
Is ogre engine still updated

It all works by loading a mesh, reading a 'forset' node list from truck file and generating 'locators' which pair a vertex with 3 nodes (ref, x, z) and offset (x,y,z). What is worth doing is remaking this system with vertex shaders (BeamNG did this years ago). Hi Im new here and I come bearing a completed game. Everything below this line I hope to leave unchanged, everything above is updates.

is ogre engine still updated


But, you could get as detailed or simplistic as you want with your paradox detection. Porting this mess isnt worth it, too much hassle with OGREs mesh interfaces in the update process. My original project is still available in this post, but drop down to my long post to see my current question about game engines. Ummm, and then what? Are you still working on that, or do you have a plan for what happens in that eventuality? I mean technically, ANY influence on your past self would likely cause a paradox, because going through even at a slightly different time, different direction, or different speed changes the conditions that you entered the past, changing the the *you* that is there affecting the other *you*. The only problem will be that you'll be able to interact with those actions, which may cause paradoxes (such as your past self not entering the time portal when 3:15 arrives, which means you can't be there to begin with). If you're at 3:15 right now and go back to 3:00, the next 15 minutes you experience will be an exact replica of what you and other objects did in those 15 minutes. Still doable in a simulation, of course, but you could arrange for situations where you generate waaayy more energy than you put in. Going from a zone with normal time to a zone with half-time through a portal would quadruple the energy. If it they're many nodes/entities, manually call updateAllTransforms/updateAllBounds again.

is ogre engine still updated is ogre engine still updated

If you have something with mass m and velocity v enter a portal where time passes at 1, and exit where time passes at T, then its kenetic energy goes from mv^2 to m(v/T)^2. You only need to call these functions once, and its transform will be updated and cached if you keep calling the 'Updated' variations, you're just going to eat CPU cycles recalculating the whole transform every time. UPDATE: Konami UK has just tweeted that the chap ‘who claims to have set up the fake rumours has been in touch.’In other words, the company debunks the MGS5 rumours. Also, this is only self-consistent when you don't have portals. Now, if you just had regions where time /passed/ more quickly/slowly, without actually allowing backwards time travel, that'd be self-consistent, and doable as long as you a) have only one observer, or b) all your observers are in a privileged reference frame - ie, when walking through a "slow zone" you see yourself slow down, rather than everything else speed up. This issue is to discuss with alternative game engine we should choose. The problem with both portals /and/ time travel is that when you introduce portals, you've already rejected such silly notions as "conservation of momentum" As discussed in the last community meeting, we want to drop OGRE code, and consider future integration with a different game engine.

Is ogre engine still updated